Archlinux Post Installation
If you are not using Arch, you probably should. There’s a lot to be said about Arch Linux but that’s not the right place: we are here to install what I think it’s basic stuff to get your brand new installation up and running.
Yep. There’s already the official wiki (aka The Bible) guide here: It’s the place you have to look at, if you’re installing Arch for your first time.
What I’m going to write here is a note to myself for every post-installation package and every setup I need in order to have a beautiful and clean system. I could probably just write a script for doing that every time and maybe I’ll do it in the future, but since this is an always work in progress I’m happy with this for now.
AUR helper
I’m currently using Yay, manually install it from AUR:
cd /tmp
git clone
cd yay
makepkg -si
Enable colors
This will enable color output for both pacman
and yay
vim /etc/pacman.conf
# Uncomment the "Color" line
Faster package creation
By default makepkg
create the package, the compress it. It is cool if you want
to share it to others but probably you (or yay
) are just going to install it for
yourself - it’s an useless and slow step. We can avoid it like so:
vim /etc/makepkg.conf
# Edit the penultimate line to be like:
# PKGEXT='.pkg.tar'
Blazing fast internet startup
I used NetworkManager for a long time, then I found someone on Reddit suggesting
because it’s so much faster at startup to connect - and it’s true.
So I suggest to install it, together with a simple GUI:
yay -S connman connman-gtk
# Be sure to stop and disable NetworkManager or others before!
sudo systemctl enable connman
sudo systemctl start connman
You can also start connman-gtk
at startup if you want the tray icon.
DE, fonts, etc.
I’m currently using i3wm but I also keep Gnome installed because I like breaking things and I need a backup.
yay -S gnome gnome-tweaks # for gnome
yay -S i3wm-gaps # for i3wm, with gaps patch
systemctl enable gdm
My personal dotfile can be found at They are a constant work in progress so you probably would have to figure out some stuff by yourself - DO NOT JUST COPY PASTE THEM, SOMETHING TERRIBLE WOULD HAPPEN!
Some basic fonts you can install
yay -S noto-fonts-emoji
I also use Terminus as my terminal font because bitmap fonts are sharps and great:
yay -S terminus-font
You must one of these pixel sizes: [8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16].
Arc Dark + Papirus icons = <3
sudo pacman -S arc-gtk-theme papirus-icon-theme
Use gnome-tweaks
(or maybe lxappearance
in i3wm) to select the theme.
Alternative (macOS inspired) icons:
yay -S la-capitaine-icon-theme
macOS Mojave Dynamic Wallpaper
Check, and its blog post here!.
Other packages
I like Fish shell, so…
sudo pacman -S fish
curl -L | fish
omf install bobthefish
# select /usr/bin/fish